Works on Canvas & Wood | Early Work
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il Sogno del Cortile, 2004
5-color silkscreen, collograph and lithograph
Edition of 50 plus 10 Artist's proofs

Wallowa Memory, 2003
4-color lithograph
Edition of 16

Bearpaw Battlefield, 2003
Etching and lithograph
Edition of 16

Bitterroot Winter, 2003
2-color linocut and lithograph
Edition of 16

Night Magic, 2001
Lithograph and hand color (hand tipped gold)
Edition of 50

You're an Indian, 1995
5-color lithograph
Edition of 50

Four Directions Blessing III, 1994

Onrush of Time, 1989
Offset litho triptych
Edition of 50

Columbus Boogie, 1985
Edition of 24

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For prices and availability, please contact:
Hales Gallery, tel: 646-590-0776, email:

Artwork and text © Kay WalkingStick 2024
Any use without written permission from Kay WalkingStick is strictly prohibited.